by Ron Henderson | Jul 22, 2024 | Sleep Apnoea, Sleep Clinic for Sleep Apnea
How does a Mandibular Advancement Device (also known as a Dental Sleep Device) or Oral Appliance Therapy work? A Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) works by a very precise, planned and temporary forward movement of the lower jaw, bringing the tongue forward, which...
by Ron Henderson | Jul 17, 2024 | Sleep Apnea, sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease., Sleep Clinic Dublin, Sleep Medicine Clinic, Uncategorised
Good quality sleep is critical to our overall well-being. Does your Sleeping Position Matter? What position you sleep in can affect many aspects of health, including Sleep Disordered Breathing, Gastroesophageal reflux (GORD), some musculoskeletal pain, our...